media releases
Draft Budget 2024-25 released for feedback
Date of Issue: 
May 3, 2024

East Gippsland Council has released its Draft Budget 2024/25 for community consultation.

Council’s Draft Budget balances providing services and facilities that meet community expectations, building new infrastructure projects and maintaining existing assets while keeping rates as low as possible.

In the 2024/25 year, the Draft Budget proposes a capital works program of $77.312 million while meeting the Victorian Government’s rate cap of 2.75%.

"Council, like the wider community, is operating in a challenging economic environment,” Mayor Cr Tom Crook said.

“It is crucial for Council to deliver its legislative responsibilities and balance community needs and aspirations in a financially sustainable way. The community is now invited to give feedback on our Draft Budget for the coming year.

“Over the coming financial year, we propose a $77.312 million capital works program, which includes $44.18m for projects carried over from the 2023/24 year that will be completed in 2024/25. We estimate we will receive $28.538m in government grants for a range of these projects. The Draft Budget includes a number of projects that respond to the region’s growing population and community needs,” Cr Crook said.

Key projects that will be finalised in 2024/25 include:

  • Mallacoota Streetscape
  • Marine Parade safety upgrades, Lakes Entrance ($1.45m)
  • Slip Road Maritime Precinct, Paynesville
  • Krautungalung Walk Stage 1 and 4, Lakes Entrance
  • Omeo Streetscape Revitalisation
  • Airport Terminal (Air Ambulance Facility), Bairnsdale ($1.467m)

Council will also continue to prioritise asset renewal:

  • $2.1m on road reseal projects
  • $1.2m on the gravel road program
  • $1m on the final stage of Moroney Street Upgrade, Bairnsdale
  • 5 timber bridge replacements (dependent on funding)
  • $0.406m on footpath renewal with projects in Orbost, Bruthen and Bairnsdale
  • $0.556m for drainage renewal works

There are also several non-capital initiatives in the Draft Budget, the largest being upgrades for the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve and Buchan Recreation Reserve. A total of $6.474m has also been budgeted for landfill rehabilitation works.

“As well as replacing assets when they reach end of life, we invest heavily in the maintenance of assets through the budget's operating component. This supports all residents and visitors using our roads, buildings, open spaces and sporting facilities,” Cr Crook said.

In 2024/25, the maintenance budget includes:

  • Roads and bridges: $14.3m (sealed and unsealed roads, road reserves, off street car parks, signs, bridges, culverts and concreting).
  • Parks and gardens: $6.8m (maintenance and operating costs such as landscaping supplies, fuel, small plant equipment etc).
  • Buildings: $1.57m (maintenance costs including repairs to Council buildings undertaken by in-house teams and contractors, and cleaning contractors).
  • Plant and fleet: $2.06m (mechanical repairs, fuel, tyres, insurance and registration).
Rates support service delivery to community

The Draft Budget proposes an average rate increase of 2.75%, in line with the rate cap set by the Victorian Government. The commercial/industrial differential rate is proposed to be 135% of the general rate, a reduction of 5% from the 2023/24 year. It is proposed that the farm rate differential be 75% of the general rate, a discount of 25%.

“Rates are necessary to keep our core services running,” Cr Crook said.

“Our approach to rate setting has been made considering the impact of hardship across our community. Any ratepayer experiencing financial hardship can apply for rate relief as outlined in our Financial Hardship Policy. We encourage you to contact us.”

In the Draft Budget, Council proposes to raise almost $71.5m through general rates, the municipal charge and waste collection charges.

Rate changes by property type will be an average increase of:

  • 2.75% for residential;
  • 2.17% for commercial/industrial; and
  • 3.37% increase for farms.

Individual increases are determined by land valuations, which are not set by Council.

Council is continuing to provide a rate rebate of $64.19 to eligible properties owned by people who qualify for a Victorian Government-approved pension rebate.

A municipal charge of $252 per rateable property is proposed; an increase of 2.73%. For properties that receive kerbside waste services, the 2024/25 fees are proposed to be $464 for a three-bin service and $406 for a two-bin service (waste and recycling). The rural waste collection charge is proposed to be $274. The Draft Budget proposes the waste levy remain unchanged at $51.

“Waste services operate on a full cost recovery model. We will continue to focus on reducing the amount of waste to landfill. The waste levy is in response to the increase in the Victorian Government’s landfill levy imposed on Council as well as other compliance costs,” Cr Crook said.

“The green waste disposal fee of $12 per cubic metre will remain unchanged and will offset, in part, the significant processing costs. A free green waste period will again be offered throughout November to support people preparing their properties ahead of the fire season. A green waste coupon will be provided for the free disposal of up to 1.5 cubic metres of green waste at transfer stations.

“In 2024/25, we will review our waste service to ensure it meets best practice guidelines and can be operated cost-efficiently into the future.”

Your feedback is important

The Draft Budget is open for public consultation until 12 noon on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

“Our commitment is to work with the community to continue to progress what is important to East Gippslanders and use our budget prudently. We invite you to review our draft budget make further suggestions,” Cr Crook said.

A copy of the draft Budget 2024/25 and other information is available on Council’s website and hard copies are on display at Council’s service centres and the Bairnsdale Library.

Feedback can be provided via Council’s YourSay page, in writing to, mailed to PO Box 1618 Bairnsdale 3875, or hand delivered to any of Council’s service centres and the Bairnsdale Library.

Learn more about our priorities in the 2024/25 Draft Budget in these short videos:

Planning and Infrastructure YouTube video

Economy YouTube video

Environment YouTube video

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